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Perry County Waste Reduction and Recycling Eco-tips | August 2023

Back to School Sustainability: -Use supplies you already own. -Swap clothes with friends & family or shop secondhand. -Reuse and decorate already owned backpacks. -Take a reusable water bottle to avoid single use plastic.





Perry County Waste Reduction and Recycling Eco-tips | August 2023


Back to School Sustainability:

  • Use supplies you already own
  • Swap clothes with friends & family or shop secondhand
  • Reuse and decorate already owned backpacks
  • Take a reusable water bottle to avoid single use plastic.


Reading Labels

If an item has the recycling symbol on it that means it goes in the recycling, right? WRONG! Many items have this symbol but cannot be recycled. It depends on what your county accepts. For example: There are 7 types of plastic, all with the chasing arrow symbol. In Perry County we only take #1 & #2.  So that container with a recycling symbol with a #5 is not recyclable.

Click on the chart below to view full size.


Avoid Wish cycling

Wish Cycling or Wishful Recycling is placing items in the recycling that you are unsure if its recyclable and wishing it gets recycles. This can lead to recyclable items being contaminated and having to be thrown out. It also makes the sorting processing longer & can lead to damaged machines.

When in doubt throw it out!


Click on the flyer below to view full size.

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