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RSVP Volunteer Recognition Luncheon | May 4, 2024

This year the Perry County Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) annual recognition luncheon was held at the Grace Community Church of the Nazarene on Saturday, May 4 to honor our Perry County volunteers.



RSVP Volunteer Recognition Luncheon | May 4, 2024




Door prize drawing. Commissioner Scott Owen (left) and volunteer Dale Eveland. Click on the photo above to view full size.


This year the Perry County Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) annual recognition luncheon was held at the Grace Community Church of the Nazarene on Saturday, May 4 to honor our Perry County Senior Volunteers.

All luncheon attendees were given a customized windbreaker and T-Shirt.

Gift certificates were donated by the Perry County Commissioners and were given to:

  • Julia Cooperrider for 28 years 9 months of service
  • Sarah Hoover with 21 years 9 months of service
  • Paul Miller for the most volunteer hours, 1,478, in the latest fiscal year.


Door prize drawings went to:

  • Walter Kaido
  • William Maynard


Commissioner Scott Owen spoke on the importance of volunteering in our county. Scott also praised our volunteers for their service.


Jim Mickey from the Perry County Health Department spoke on the new Community Heart Watch Program and AEDs, how it works, and the places where they will be available.  For more info on the program go to PCHD Community Heart Watch Program and AEDs | May 2, 2024 — Perry County Ohio

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